Wrapping up the week, Dr. Drew opens up the show talking about the hot topic of censorship, Mark Zuckerberg admitting that Facebook was asked to redact information, and who's deciding what’s right or wrong for others? Then, Adam explains the difference between lying versus just being wrong, the new world order of slippery politicians, and the season of …
Adam & Drew #1912
Fleeing Top Earners
Sep 05, 2024
∙ Paid
The Adam & Dr. Drew Show | Premium
Adam Carolla & Dr. Drew Pinsky reunite the partnership that made Loveline a wild success and cultural touchstone. In each episode Adam and Drew take uncensored, nothing-off-limits, calls about sex, drug, medical and relationship issues. Dr. Drew brings the medicine while Adam's comedy and rants are the spoonful of sugar to make it go down.
Adam Carolla & Dr. Drew Pinsky reunite the partnership that made Loveline a wild success and cultural touchstone. In each episode Adam and Drew take uncensored, nothing-off-limits, calls about sex, drug, medical and relationship issues. Dr. Drew brings the medicine while Adam's comedy and rants are the spoonful of sugar to make it go down.Listen on
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